The Early Bus

Are you someone who arrives early, on time, or late? Are you someone who does the work only when expected to? Or are you putting in the work when no one is watching? Are you giving that extra little bit every time you get into action? This week on the show, Hunter shares a story about Ray Allen, and about how riding the early bus came to define his legendary career.

Go Get It Challenge: Make a deliberate decision and effort to be an early bus person this week. Do a little extra when no one is watching. Show up earlier so you can make more calls, send more emails, get more reps in. Be the person that earns trust, from your coach, your teacher, your boss, your parent, or your friend.

Have a question for us? Call this number and leave a voicemail! We might just answer your question on the next Q&A episode: 707-595-0071

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