My goal as a video journalist is to get unique access to stories that personalize the most pressing issues of our time, and to use rigorous reporting and compelling visuals to bring those stories to life. 

Vineyard Workers Race To Save Grapes From Approaching Fires

Insider News

As the second largest wildfire in California’s history ravaged the state, vineyards in Sonoma County rushed to harvest grapes before the smoke can ruin their crop. Since August 15, 1.6 million acres in California had burned – an area the size of Delaware. There were also fears that the coronavirus pandemic could spread among agricultural workers as the fires burn. I found, pitched, shot, edited, and narrated this story for Insider in one week. The story was selected as one of Insider’s top stories of 2020.

Why These Californians Are Starting Fires On Purpose

Insider News

Volunteers in the Fire Forward program will spend 8 weekends learning how to use fire to manage landscapes. California’s native people used “prescribed” burns for millennia. Now some say regular citizens should be able to use “good fire” to mitigate future disasters. I found, pitched, shot, scripted, edited, and narrated this story for Insider.

How Books Are Handmade At The Last Printing Press of Its Kind In The US

Insider News

Arion Press is the last printing press in the US where books are handmade from start to finish. Using machines and techniques that date back to the 1800s, these books can take years to make and cost up to $10,000 to buy. Set against the tech hub backdrop of San Francisco, this institution helps keep the traditional craft of letterpress printing alive. I pitched, co-filmed, scripted, edited, and narrated this story for Insider.

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