Jeff Orlowski on Directing The Social Dilemma | Ep. 045

Jeff Orlowski is the director of the newly released Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, which explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations. He also served as director, producer, and cinematographer of the Sundance Award-Winning and Oscar short listed films, Chasing Ice and Chasing Coral.

In this conversation, Jeff and I discuss where he got the idea to make The Social Dilemma, why his team decided to use the unique stylistic choices of dramatizations and animations, and the process of taking a ton of disjointed interviews on broad/complex topics and weaving them together to create one of the most talked about documentaries of the year.


Watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix

Tristan Harris’ podcast, Your Undivided Attention

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